Book review for the psych; The happiness trap.

To give a bit of background, I hold some bitterness towards psychs - I don't know why. Perhaps it's the way they present themselves that irritates me, being given a new diagnosis by letter rather than face to face or maybe, it was the recommendation that I read this book... 

Happy reading. 

Don't get me wrong, I've not read the whole book. Around 42 pages; a free preview I got with the app store. And my goodness! I'm so glad I didn't part with the £6.99 the book costs! #Waste. 
Whilst I accept 'the happiness trap' is valid - it makes perfect sense to me. I'm not one afflicted by it. Not at all. Still, I thank you for the recommendation.

In just 42 pages I feel I have the gist of the book, perfectly. The idea being that so many of us meander through life, satisfied with little to nothing but feeling as though we'll feel better when we achieve 'X' (we then achieve X and are not satisfied further until we achieve 'A' - A new goal!!). This could be anything; marriage, a promotion, a new house, a new car. I'm sure you get it. 
I'm not affected in this manner. Life is wonderful, yes I have goals, things I would like to have and things I would like to achieve. However, my happiness does not depend on me obtaining A, B & C.

I have 'recurrent depressive disorder' as you so kindly diagnosed me with - by letter. Thanks for that by the way. 
Maybe it's something wrong chemically. Perhaps it was the childhood trauma. I have not obtained this state by thinking if only I had 'X', then obtaining 'X' and pushing the goal post further. Life is more wonderful than it's ever been. Sadly, I still get sucked into this abyss where I cry all the time, panic, sleep too much, sleep too little and all self care goes out of the window. 
Thank you for sharing the happiness trap concept with me, but unfortunately you are incorrect. 

If YOU or someone you love has been affected, succumbed to the happiness trap, you can purchase the book here.


And remember folks, stay happy happy happy! 


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