
Showing posts from November, 2018

Depression 2.0

Disclaimer, just my personal account of my experience with depression, there is no positive la di da message here. Its unique to every individual and if you need help please seek it 💕.  Depression is lonely, cruel and soul destroying. It can strip away the positivity from your life and stop your world from turning. You long to be with others but at the very same time it is so exhausting, socialising. You have transformed from being a presentable, vibrant, caring, professional to a dishevelled, pasty, agitated individual;a shell of your former self. Bathing with baby wipes, brushing your teeth once a week, sleeping on the sofa and waking several times a night drenched in sweat.  Every now and then you will be motivated, ready for the fight, trying to lift yourself from the despair you are enveloped in. But still you are too weak and soon succumb once again. Work, that once brought you joy also adds to the pain. People don't get it. You wonder if they will ever understand. Dep