
Showing posts from January, 2018

Don't stop talking; it's time to talk!!

Time to talk day is only a few days away now and whilst I've found today particularly rough, I thought I'd take the opportunity to make a blog post, in spirit of time to talk day. Today I saw my new psychiatrist for the very first time. It's incredibly difficult first meeting someone and having to tear down your emotional barriers. Shed your emotional skin. From today I've gained (MORE) medication, and more labels added to the list (for them, not for us) (We're labelled so they know how to treat our said disorder, as you'd treat say bipolar differently as to how you would treat depression in terms of medications and therapies etc). But there's a bigger point to this. No matter how difficult or seemingly pointless things may seem, talking may seem, it needs to be done. Without a doubt. With each passing day, each new mental health symptom, I have increasingly felt like a lost cause, beyond recovery and damaged beyond repair. But today, I've felt a li