Borderline, please read/share.

So, recently I've been having a little bit of a tough patch.
To those of you that don't know, I struggle with borderline personality disorder, now known as emotionally unstable personality disorder amongst other things such as post traumatic stress disorder and depression and anxiety intermittently. I'm a grab bag of shit! Haha!

As of late, I've struggled with mood swings and severe agitation. I don't know how I've not screamed at anyone or lost my cool. Tonight, I did some more reading into my disorder and horrified to still find so much stigma surrounding the disorder, it's incredibly upsetting though I tried to laugh it off. As those people clearly lack insight.

We are not 'crazy', 'psycho's' or 'manipulative' amongst other things our label has us labelled with. We are people too. We struggle to regulate our emotions, hence mood swings, have inappropriate anger, some have a fear of real or imagined abandonment, struggle with self image and sense of self. There are many symptoms of this illness and it all manifests in different ways. For example, I no longer self mutilate, I no longer fear abandonment but still struggle with impulsivity, mood swings and unstable sense of self on occasion. It's different for everyone.

What has really saddened me this evening is there are a few videos out on the wonderful internet as well as articles/blog posts which seem to be written by bitter, angry people, lacking insight into this illness; that have clearly had a bad experience with a relationship with someone with this disorder and therefore view us all the same and in a negative light. Instead of understanding, or trying to fathom the illness, they've grouped together and penned comments with venomous hatred.

I'd like people to know more about the facts of borderline/emotionally unstable personality disorder. Such as symptoms, how to get help or support an individual.

Link here for symptoms on Mind's website.

Click here for causes of this

How you can help a loved one with this

I know it can take it's toll on my loved ones supporting me through being ill, getting well and becoming unwell again but support from you could make all the difference to your loved one.

I have decided to make it my mission to end the stigma to this as well as other mental illnesses as stigma needs to end. It needs to be something people can freely speak about, instead of trying to conceal it or feeling ashamed as I have and I do.

If you need any help or advice or just want to talk, drop me an email here.

Thank you for reading!


  1. "I know it can take it's toll on my loved ones..." yeah, maybe a little, but we get it, we don't mind, we love it when we can help, even if it's only a little bit, and we are here for you as much as you need us.

    Unless you want to borrow my car because I'm not lending you my car.

    Love you loads
    <3 xx

    1. Thank you dad <3
      I don't want to borrow your car don't panic, I can't drive for shit! :P

      Love you too <3 xx


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