Don't stop talking; it's time to talk!!

Time to talk day is only a few days away now and whilst I've found today particularly rough, I thought I'd take the opportunity to make a blog post, in spirit of time to talk day.

Today I saw my new psychiatrist for the very first time. It's incredibly difficult first meeting someone and having to tear down your emotional barriers. Shed your emotional skin. From today I've gained (MORE) medication, and more labels added to the list (for them, not for us)
(We're labelled so they know how to treat our said disorder, as you'd treat say bipolar differently as to how you would treat depression in terms of medications and therapies etc). But there's a bigger point to this. No matter how difficult or seemingly pointless things may seem, talking may seem, it needs to be done. Without a doubt.

With each passing day, each new mental health symptom, I have increasingly felt like a lost cause, beyond recovery and damaged beyond repair. But today, I've felt a little differently. It took me the best part of an hour to get to this stage, of showing my emotions (instead of laughing it off; not helpful in front of a psych that doesn't know you!).
I have tried a countless amount of antidepressants, even tried anti psychotics (despite a distinct lack of psychosis, this was  used in an attempt to stabilize my mood) and they've made either little to no difference, or had intolerable side effects.

However, after letting this doctor in, just a little and showing how I truly felt, I've realized perhaps I'm not a lost cause after all. There are still other treatment options for me to explore.
I know it's easy for me to hide behind a keyboard and tell you to talk, to not lose the faith, but it really is worth continuing to talk. Even if you don't always find it beneficial, it will help other people see how you are feeling, accommodate to those feelings, to support you and even explore treatment options if and when required.

Treatment can be medication and therapy, it can be other things. We are all individual, it is down to personal preference and what is most suitable. In the last 3 months I have definitely learnt that no medication is at present, not an option for me, as it's not appropriate.

Just remember, it is okay to feel shit, it's okay to have self care days, it's okay to be upset, frustrated, even happy. Don't be too critical of yourself, take each hour of each day at a time.

You've got this, don't feel ashamed, don't hide it away. You don't have to be alone.
It's time to talk!!


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