Social Media and Mental Health.

This post mainly centers on social media and the pressures I face from it. When not working I lose several hours of my day to social media. Why? I'm not sure. I do not particularly enjoy it, it can be an incredibly toxic environment in the incorrect places. 

Social makes me feel inadequate, like I am doing life wrong. It almost forces this happy facade for the novelty of others. It is like a crushing, overwhelming pressure to be perfect, happy and feel blessed for all the wonderful things we have in life - when we're not always have such a wonderful time and depression can have a habit of putting the blinkers on all the positives we have (though important to try to identify). 

It can make me feel ugly, lonely, boring, fat, too thin among other things. People can be incredibly aggressive behind the protection of their four walls and typing slurs over social media which is unhelpful when 1in4 of us experience a mental health issue. Even so, excluding the mental health problem from the equation, basic kindness and respect for a difference of opinion should not be so difficult, should it? 

Instead it can turn into a slanging match, demeaning people in regards to their personal characteristics such as I don't know, a big nose rather than politely disagreeing and moving on.

I have conversed with people that have removed themselves from social media as it makes them feel bad and like their life is terrible in comparison to others (because we have the pressure of posting positive things, to receive a positive response or even praise. 

It isn't all terrible though.. 

I have found some of the greatest sources of support on social media. It just needs to be handled with care. I have made friends with individuals that struggle just as much as myself and watched them grow, watched them recover. In the past I have dedicated my time to support groups, privately messaging individuals having a hard time. 
I've heard of it helping others, make friends; real, wonderful friendships. They now holiday together, go for coffee and have play dates with their children. 

It doesn't all have to be harmful, or toxic but I feel we all need to remember to just be kind. 
Just because an individual is being unkind, rude or disrespectful does not mean we should take the same approach. 

Social media could be so much better, if only we utilized it better and remained kind. 


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